Monday, December 10, 2012


Blog Reflective 

 As the student, one of the learning objectives of the blog project is to focus on one issue to write scenarios and to find relevant research on the issue to make discoveries. I took four articles from the academic search complete database and my writing of the various scenarios, researched summaries, and follow-up discussions construct a few discoveries for me. I was able to learn more about PTSD and how it affects a person. I was able to have different perspective on what my father is going through and how I can better cope. My father is actually on of the ones who were mistreated from the start. He recently visited his doctor again and they changed his diagnoses from depression to anxiety, which makes more sense.

 The translation of research and documentation skills into a conversational, episodic online format did construct new learning experiences by being able to tell stories from my point of view. I really enjoyed blogging versus writing an actual paper. Analyzing images and connecting them to the research topic made this project even more interested. Yes, this online format and the study of and inclusion of visual rhetoric into the postings did introduce me to aspects of learning that would not have developed with a traditional format because I was able to be more vocal and not worry about being judged about the situation.  Overall this new learning experience has interest me to begin a new hobby. I never knew why people where so obsessed with blogging until now.

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